How to Get Your First Movie Made
How long have you been trying to get your first movie made?
Whether you’re straight out of school, or you’ve been working in the film industry for years, it can be difficult to know why you’re not getting traction. Your emails get ignored. And even if you get a meeting, everyone’s afraid to tell you the truth to your face.
And those people that are ignoring you? They probably aren’t wrong. As a film producer and financier, I get pitched film projects all the time, and there’s frequently a poison pill that we have to avoid swallowing.
So, how can you know what’s holding you back?
There’s so much conflicting advice out there, so many outdated strategies that haven’t been reliable in years. But I created this course to share with you the real rules of the game. The dealmakers that every producer, financier, investor and distributor are looking for, and the dealbreakers we’re trying to avoid like the plague.
How to Get Your First Movie Made describes a strategy that will give you the best chance of getting your first movie made.
By following the advice in it, you’ll save yourself years of time that would have been wasted pushing a dead-on-arrival project up a hill.
This is a clear guide that digs into what actually works - and doesn't - in the independent film industry today. If you’re serious about making a movie - which is what will actually give you career traction - then this is where you should start.
Film schools and gurus will play to your ego and tell you to chase your creative id. This course is the total opposite of that approach. In it, I share with you in great detail the exact kind of projects you need to be focusing on at the beginning of your career.
Making your first movie can feel like swimming in murky water: you might know the basics but finding your way isn’t so clear. Learn what is at the core of getting your first movie made.
Making your first movie can feel like swimming in murky water: you might know the basics but finding your way isn’t so clear. Learn what is at the core of getting your first movie made.
Not every project is a good candidate if your goal is getting your first movie made—and understanding why is crucial.
Not every project is a good candidate if your goal is getting your first movie made—and understanding why is crucial.
What if you had the opportunity to identify red flags early?
This course is designed to be your roadmap for getting your first movie made with a strategy that works and also gives you room to be creative.
This course is designed to be your roadmap for getting your first movie made with a strategy that works and also gives you room to be creative.