Positive News For the Film Industry After the 2024 Presidential Election
The last four years have been the most difficult in the history of the film industry. And you are familiar with all of the reasons why. It has been extremely difficult financially for everyone, but especially for those who work in production in the incentive states like Louisiana, Georgia and New Mexico, where the work stopped six months before the strikes started.
But I honestly believe there is a bright future ahead, now that the U.S. presidential election is over with. Here are the reasons why.

The Grand Plan: I’m Gonna Tell Ya How to Make Your Own Movie and Get Distribution
As the tools required to make a movie have become cheaper and more accessible, cottage industries have emerged around filmmaking. Screenwriting gurus who can’t write a lick. Experts on indie filmmaking who’ve never made a feature-length movie. Wizards of film finance webinars who’ve never gotten anything financed. Even some film schools seem to be discouraging more filmmakers than they mint. All of this has resulted in the proliferation of incorrect and outdated information about how to actually get a movie made, financed and distributed.